Operationalising AI Ethics: Concepts, Challenges, Approaches
07feb9:0017:009:00 - 17:00 EventoSpoke 6Operationalising AI Ethics: Concepts, Challenges, Approaches
Dettagli Evento
Il workshop del 7 febbraio 2025, che si svolgerà a Bari, affronterà il tema dell’operazionalizzazione dell’etica nell’intelligenza artificiale, analizzando i concetti fondamentali, le sfide e gli approcci
Dettagli Evento
Il workshop del 7 febbraio 2025, che si svolgerà a Bari, affronterà il tema dell’operazionalizzazione dell’etica nell’intelligenza artificiale, analizzando i concetti fondamentali, le sfide e gli approcci esistenti, il tutto in una prospettiva socio-tecnica.
L’evento rientra tra le attività dello Spoke 6 e del Transversal Project 1 – “Legal and Ethical Design of Trustworthy AI Systems”, con il contributo di Francesca Lisi (Spoke 6).
Welcome and institutional greetings
Francesca A. Lisi (FAIR WP 6.5 Lead)
Donato Malerba (FAIR spoke 6 PI)
Filippo Lanubile (Dean of DIB Department)
Paolo Ponzio (Dean of DIRIUM Department)
Session I: Intelligence as Operation?
Chair: Antonio Lombardi
Costantino Esposito (University of Bari Aldo Moro) – 30 min
What Does Intelligence Mean? From Substance to Function
Henry Shevlin (Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Cambridge) – 30 min
Anthropomorphism and Anthropomimesis in Large Language Models
Discussion (20 minuti)
10:50 – 11:10
Coffee Break
Session II: Operationalizing Human Values between Technoscience and Politics
Chair: Antonio Carnevale
Federica Russo (University of Utrecht) – 30 min
Challenging the Domain of Exteriority: Validity and Explainability in the Era of Generative AI
Francesca R. Recchia Luciani (University of Bari Aldo Moro) – 30 min
Digital Bodies and Ontological Resistance: for Ethics of Relationships in the Age of AI
Discussion (20 minuti)
Lunch Break
Session III: Technical Aspects and Implementations
Chair: Abeer Dyoub (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar (Spanish Research Council | CSIC) – 30 min
Value alignment is all you need! Value engineering for AI systems
Teresa Scantamburlo (Ca’ Foscari University of Venezia) – 30 min
Implementing human-centred AI: the case of techno-moral exercises
Discussion (20 minuti)
15:20 – 15:40
Coffee Break
15:40 – 17:00
Closing Panel with all speakers
Karina Pedace (Universidad de Buenos Aires and UNLAM)
Luca San Mauro (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Abeer Dyoub (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
7 febbraio 2025 9:00 - 17:00